Cheefin is a Girl


Power member.
She just told me, I can't believe it.
Are you sure she wanted everyone to know?
I mean, she may of entrusted you with this information expecting you not to tell anyone.
Jubsy said:
Are you sure she wanted everyone to know?
I mean, she may of entrusted you with this information expecting you not to tell anyone.

Well i spilt the beans I guess.
Anonymous’’’’ said:
How would you not know that? Don't you talk to her/him (idk) on xbox?
Yes, She used a voice changer.
Are you actually serious? A girl? I can't see it..
I do feel as if this is a massive troll. Please provide proof.
Cheefin said:
Living! Why would you tell everyone?

Now I'm confused.

Because, if it was real, then chances are Cheefin would PM or AIM Living to ask him to take it down, instead of posting on the thread and therefore bumping it up to the top.

I call troll, but a pretty decent one it was.
Cheefin said:
Living! Why would you tell everyone?

Your sig says "I get a lot of bítches who love to suck my dick." So, you also have a dick? Seems legit.
Jason said:
That's a lie. We all know girls don't exist on the internet.


hahaha! this reminds me of that show on MTV. catfish... trololol
If I were you I would chew lot's of gum etc. buy many packs, that's my only help I can provide you with I don't know many :p
