Christy's Vouches


Power member.
Christy's Vouches

Contact Information
Aim: Babe
If you have ever dealt with me or bought from me please give me a vouch; I would greatly appreciate it.

Buyars said:
I vouch for this user Christy is Hella Legit ♥
Jon said:
Legit af bought an aim off her. Hope your active
Hydro said:
vouch for christy very legit aim seller, bought off her b4
Tupac said:
Obviously a legit seller, thanks for the AIM.
Click said:
Vouches for Christy i got a xbl membership from her
Hope said:
I will vouch for Christy any day she is a great seller GLWS
Rain Man said:
Vouch for Christy, dealt with her on a different site. She is legit and very generous.
Goop said:
vouch for Christy very legit she sold me a aim
GatesAG said:
Vouch for Christy done deals on HF before.
Reaper said:
Vouch for Christy, we trolled up xbox support super hard.

Which btw, I got them to close my account for investigation, wish me luck!
Click said:
Vouch for christy she sold me a aim and xbl
Hey said:
Most legit person thanks for my aim
Zapdos said:
I fucking love you, she MiddleWomened for me, Legit AF
stop said:
Vouch for this beautiful girl
Rainy said:
Great aims, safe secure and fast , don't hesitate to buy vouch
BezeL said:
Bought an aim off her. Maaaadddd legit
Sniper said:
Christy is the most legit woman i've ever met! Deal without caution!
Apock said:
Vouch for one of my e-babes. Sold her a tag ages ago!
Snap back said:
I Vouch for Christy, I lover her, and has Legit AIMs!
Psychotics said:
Bought a AIM from christy, I went first she is SUPER LEGIT awesome member THANKS!!
Anubis said:
Vouch. Purchased more AIMs account. Very professional and I heartily endorse with confidence.
I vouch for this user Christy is Hella Legit ♥
Obviously a legit seller, thanks for the AIM.
Vouches for Christy i got a xbl membership from her
I will vouch for Christy any day she is a great seller GLWS
Vouch for Christy, dealt with her on a different site. She is legit and very generous.
Vouch for christy she sold me a aim and xbl
I fucking love you, she MiddleWomened for me, Legit AF
Great aims, safe secure and fast , don't hesitate to buy vouch
Christy is the most legit woman i've ever met! Deal without caution!