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I think you and your buddies need to realize there is more to fk than spamming and trolling...
BasedGod said:
I think you and your buddies need to realize there is more to fk than spamming and trolling...

Yeah but this is spamming and trolling based gawd

Much hg. Many legit , thnx please.
BasedGod said:
I think you and your buddies need to realize there is more to fk than spamming and trolling...

Not enough people atm to make it worthwhile to post in other places. Once our other Sythe friends have been freed we will run/unite the community.
Blunts. said:
Hey has found a group of users that accepts him. Let him be happy in Spamming and Trolling.

This. We Sythe fgts love us some Hey.

Plz name change to Heywood_Yablome
BasedGod said:
I think you and your buddies need to realize there is more to fk than spamming and trolling...


if by more than spamming and trolling you mean 25 characters I completely agree
Blunts. said:
That would probably be funny if I understood it. Fucking Sythe references.
I'm to dumb to know how to name change :(
ilovegold69 said:

if by more than spamming and trolling you mean 25 characters I completely agree



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much hq
very legit

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