I was given a vouch copy as well. From my point of view, this is basically begginer guide that will help you with all the basics when starting to play LoL. Its detailed and explains everything perfectly, but unfortunately It's not what I expected. It does have a lot of good points and tips how to become better and I would recommend it to Diamond players as well because most of them doesn't know basic stuff mentioned here. When I first stumbled upon this post, I expected this eBook to have more tips how to actually become more aware of the game process itself in higher elo but maybe my expectations were too high. I would for sure recommend this guide to all players, especially Bronze, Silver and Gold. I dare to say these are basics you MUST KNOW if you want play ranked and to become better player overall. As OP said, he is making advanced guide for higher elo and I guess that one will contain things I expected from this one. If the name of eBook was "Basics and guide for Lower elo players" this would be 100% hit.
Thanks for the opportunity to review your work, hope you are satisfied. Looking forward to advanced one.