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RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

Supra said:
I've been here since october of last year, I forgot my pass so I made a new acc, so stop being butthurt.

Not butthurt just stating a fact.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

do you want the account info as well lmao
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

Rat said:
do you want the account info as well lmao

Vouch for Rat he has the account hes on my F/L.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

Would buy for $50 if we can use a MM.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

How much the accounts worth is completely subjective. It's worth what someone is willing to pay for the name "T 5", and that to me is $50.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

In that case, if you promise to take video, my new bid is $99.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

Rat said:
do you want the account info as well lmao

Haha...Not required. We just need to see an update of your first proof image provided. I want to see the same webpage but expanded, seeing the whole panel where I can see both "T 5" on the left side and on the top right hand corner. Also, if there's a payment option with CreditCard/Paypal, just cross/darken it out. It is really that simple and I will apologized for being a "pain".
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

I'm going to have to agree with "Eggs" on how the username is worth about $50-$60 tops. Although, The Dlc is where this Account shines! Alltogethor worth around $130ish IMO. GLWS Rat.
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

Nice tag dude, I can Vouch for Rat, he has the Tag!
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

If rat owns the tag, I have him on my list, we we're playing BF3 the other day!

Great guy, good luck selling
RE: Selling Main Acc : T 5 (lots of DLC & amazing halo3 acc)

He still hasn't contacted me... I am still interested if we use an MM.
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