[Closed] Quick competition [Hide 'N Seek]


Onyx user!


Giving away 5m to anyone that can find me on Runescape. This is my first contest, i should've done more when I had more money, but for now, It's only 5m because I sold the rest of my stock.


How to find me:
1. I am on world 30 (nonmember world, so you don't have to travel everywhere).

2. You will have to say "Runegear.net, i have found you rakeya!" if you think you've found me.

3. My Display name starts with a G, so that's a hint if you see me.


Hint 1: I see 2 bunk beds, and a bunch of men are below me.

Hint 2: Will be unlocked when the thread gets to page 2, so i suggest you start posting!.



If I am not found by 4 PM EST, I shall just end the contest and do another one, if you want the second hint, post something below to get this thread to page 2!


PS, the next reply is the 6k post in contest section =]
RE: [OPEN] Quick competition [Hide 'N Seek]

6K Post! And also, why now, when I just leave for school.

Good luck everyone!
RE: [OPEN] Quick competition [Hide 'N Seek]

Spitzy won the contest, I will host another one with 10m prize later.
RE: [OPEN] Quick competition [Hide 'N Seek]

Yay, i found him in less than 30seconds.. Who's the runescape pro? =]
No flaming on my competition thread. At least he's someone that wants to participate in Runegear activities, and you are here flaming someone for having fun and winning prizes. Now please exit my thread before I report you.
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