CoD : Ghost - Spectrum Camo - $12 each Xbox 360 & Xbox One!

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Onyx user!
Currently Selling CoD: Ghosts Spectrum Cammo for the Xbox One. Therefore you will be able to change guns, camo's etc. This will also get you the Spectrum Emblem on your red dot sight.

Spectrum (Xbox One) - $11
Spectrum (Xbox 360) - $11​
Y000 still selling! I only have One xbox 360 code and a bunch of Xbox ONe.
Jerry said:
Currently Selling CoD: Ghosts Spectrum Cammo for the Xbox One. Therefore you will be able to change guns, camo's etc. This will also get you the Spectrum Emblem on your red dot sight.

Spectrum (Xbox One) - $11
Spectrum (Xbox 360) - $11​

Will you take any social mediums?
No only money hit me up ladys!

burr burr burr
11$/12$ is a bit pricey for a camo code lel 5$ seems like a fair price
Bro I got you 10k koins for a camo man hmu I also got paypal
Jerry said:
Currently Selling CoD: Ghosts Spectrum Cammo for the Xbox One. Therefore you will be able to change guns, camo's etc. This will also get you the Spectrum Emblem on your red dot sight.

Spectrum (Xbox One) - $11
Spectrum (Xbox 360) - $11​

Wondering if I can please get a vouch copy please, ill write a very, very descriptive review on this item :)
No no and no I'm only selling codes that's it.
Hit me up
would you take $10 AGC?
for the xbox 360 code
No only cash hit me up guys.

:) :)
This is a code I'm still selling just sold 5 codes on eBay for mad profit.
Ey bro. Mind if I have an Xbox 360 vouch copy?

Ill write a LONG, DETAILED review, and why I think others should buy it, and how the service is!
All codes are sold.
Everyone that wants a vouch copy fuck off everyone knows I keep it 3hunna
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