
RE: cokeboy

Clinic said:
No one is safe, don't swap so broke boys can get free gamertags. And I heard bulldog was swapped the other day and GT: "Want" was salty because he took his turbo off of it just before it swapped.
The kids a faggot don't talk about him.
RE: cokeboy

Clinic said:
Is there something I am missing ? Sorry haha.
He turboed that gamertag from me lol
@Cokeboy show proof you didn't turbo it or you're getting smoked lmao.

Edit: Make this quick I have shit to do.
Rude said:
@Cokeboy show proof you didn't turbo it or you're getting smoked lmao.

show proof of what i never send those kik mesages lol i havent been on kik in a good while those kiks messages are fake i never talked to anyone on kik so this is all fake
Cokeboy said:
show proof of what i never send those kik mesages lol i havent been on kik in a good while those kiks messages are fake i never talked to anyone on kik so this is all fake
Lmao boy
Cokeboy said:
show proof of what i never send those kik mesages lol i havent been on kik in a good while those kiks messages are fake i never talked to anyone on kik so this is all fake

LMFAO wow man wow. Yep. You'll really go down just to not snitch.

Awkward how the time frame matches pretty close to the time it is now.

Also, are you claiming I went and created the kik vi just now to fake a conversation? lmao

you dont have to own the kik LOL you can easily copy the name and pic of the profile and make a fake conversation which in fact u clearly did because i haven't used kik in a while because my phone screen is broken.
I really don't get how my name is involved... I'm just high rn get a msg on kik and have to come on this. Everything that gets turbo'd I get blamed for. This is like when @Hash got turbo'd for Peasant and Orgasmic got turbo'd and the dude who did was blaming me. @cokeboy didn't turbo it our friend Nemesss did. Now leave my name out of all your filthy mouths peasants.
Tiger said:
I really don't get how my name is involved... I'm just high rn get a msg on kik and have to come on this.
Because fuck you that's why you're involved.

Yeah @cokeboy you stop replying on kik. Cornered. Fucking throw Tiger under, we all know he sold you the tag. And you try to form a bullshit excuse that'd I'd waste my time faking a kik convo, target you when before this we've had zero bad history, and try to get you banned. Yep, makes sense.

Oh alrighty then, @cokeboy mind showing me that proof of transaction?
It looks like everyone is having a good time.


So this thread is an attempt to get my banned. This is all about me you just want me gone. You will target anyone and get them to say Tiger so you can constantly slander me. Damn can't i get a rest every month i get blamed for shit. Bet im gonna get blamed for that 3 char being turbo'd

Hey, once he shows that proof of transaction and it isn't you, then whatever. If not, peace cokeboy.
Dysphoria said:
Hey, once he shows that proof of transaction and it isn't you, then whatever. If not, peace cokeboy.
Well it wasn't him and wasn't me i already told u who did. now leave me outta here.
Dysphoria said:
Hey, once he shows that proof of transaction and it isn't you, then whatever. If not, peace cokeboy.

what the hell are you talking about you faked those kik messages because you think i own it i have nothing to do with this tag if you really that desperate to frame me. I feel bad for you.
Alright, as @rude asked, he and I will just be waiting for that proof of transaction then seeming the bs faking kik conversation isn't fucking fooling anyone lmao.

Cokeboy said:
what the hell are you talking about you faked those kik messages because you think i own it i have nothing to do with this tag if you really that desperate to frame me. I feel bad for you.
Honestly sad your trying to pull a "oh he faked a lengthy kik convo to frame me for no reason." [font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif] [/font]
Dysphoria said:
Alright, as @rude asked, he and I will just be waiting for that proof of transaction then seeming the bs faking kik conversation isn't fucking fooling anyone lmao.

What. I pmed rude everything that is going on.

Honestly i dont know why ur trying to frame me when i dont even have the tag.
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