COLOR and other cool words.


Well-Known Member
Who do you think should no longer be a mod because they give warnings over the stupidest shit?

(s/o @lyrics)
When we get a forum team member that supposedly does nothing, everyone bitches.

We get a forum team member that actually does their job, but yet you're still bitching.

Let's get it together.
Jason said:
When we get a forum team member that supposedly does nothing, everyone bitches.

We get a forum team member that actually does their job, but yet you're still bitching.

Let's get it together.
I got a 20% warning for mis-spelling my IG on a thread where someone wanted to know FK's IG's.

I got a 20% for making a thread to tell another member why I had abruptly left. and to tell all of FK about my slicing my foot open on accident.

I dont see the point in getting warned for either of those. But go ahead and continue on the High Horse, Jason.
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