coltie2's ONYX giveaway


Let's celebrate 5 years! The 25th poster gets a free onyx upgrade! 

Today is like the only day of the week I work irl, so I will grant the winner onyx after my shift is over tonight at 9 ish PST.
bump this so more people post for this giveaway
50th poster? A bit high man, someone come start a big conversation here though!
@Agony how's the navy going man?
That should be fairly easy to get, let's get this going.
Posting so that someone has a chance to win this upgrade!
@Cred you are one cheeky scrub man.
@Trophix you gonna go for it man? That'd be cool.
Haha I understand man, smart with your money. @Trophix
Enjoy the free onxy whoever the 25th poster is. Couch for coltie.
For those who need onyx, I'd hop in on this opportunity!

Good luck.
5 more posts guys, get this going!
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