Community WARNING to all IG users! New Exploit! MUST READ


I know this isn't the right section, but I had to get word out as much as possible!

Apparently ALOT of people have already gotten their IG's jacked this way, and a member from FK who is supposedly my friend just tried this on me @wax <Community warning on user once he returns aswell!

Basically AJ told me that he lost one of his @ 's

He asked me if I could help him pull it back since I'm familiar with that type of stuff. He said he would pay me aswell.

He then gives me his facebook email and pass and tells me to try and reset it through facebook and see what it says

This is where it gets tricky,

Apparently if you log into a random facebook through your phone, and you happen to be logged into instagram aswell, it AUTOMATICALLY glitches and somewhat links the accounts

So if the user spam clicks "reset through FB" it eventually lets him reset the password to that Instagram

I played along with it and he even admitted to wanting to jack me with this exploit! 

I have been wanting to open a community warning on Aj for a long time

back in the day when he owned UF* he admitted to wanting to scam me for one of my names, but I mistakenly forgave him and let it slide

Then most recently a few months back when I was helping people pull back swapped names he begged me to help him pull back
UF* and all the other names he has sold!

If you have ever done business with @wax just know he has BEGGED and then chewed me out for not wanting to help him recover his names back ( You should all be insulted if so )

Kid clearly has no remorse for other members! and is a scammer! 

I'm sure he'll make a slim recovery and be dealing on this site in no time. 

I know it wasn't onsite but I figured I'd let you all know before you decide to deal with the user in the future!

Sorry I know I type a lot aswell but I had to make sure everybody was aware of this new exploit!

Just looking out for people!!!

Also I'm leaving the scene so I'm going to be giving away free methods, and names!

Thanks for your time! (Move Thread If Not acceptable Here) Although i see far less important stuff posted here all the time so... 33

- Novakon Luis
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

dam is this how sam lost his @sam??
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

"Leaving the scene so I'm going to be giving away free methods, and names!"

My man, them @A**'s look nice.

RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

I heard that it got patched. Idk if it's true or not.
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

LOL ig @lloyd lost his one char ig @Y from this, if anyone falls for this kinda dumb shit u gotta be mentally retarded
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

Mixed said:
LOL ig @lloyd lost his one char ig @Y from this, if anyone falls for this kinda dumb shit u gotta be mentally retarded
not really lol why would someone assume that by signing into a facebook it automatically links to your ig?
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

Yoooo this is mad,  this nearly happened to me yesterday I knew something was sketchy about this.

The user @Culture was saying tat he'd buy my @ for $230 BTC and throw in his IG @Clogged then I agreed.

Then he said "Um I forgot the PW to the account but I linked the Facebook and you can sign into to it from there" . I was already signed into my IG so I signed into the Facebook once he sent me the info and the IG @Clogged wasn't connected. I was thinking wtf then I quickly signed out just to be on the safe side and signed out of his FB because nothing happened and I knew something dodgey like this was coming.

Then today he said it didn't work because I have to link his Facebook to my IG lmao

Thanks for making this an ways bro!
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

Sam is dumb af he used the same method to get an @ and an hour later the same method was used on him and he lost his account. What a retarded indian spice
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

My Nigga said:
not really lol why would someone assume that by signing into a facebook it automatically links to your ig?
Yeah honestly I was completely oblivious to this, but luckily I had a sketchy feeling about it.

But @liquids , I would be careful bro. Aj was telling me to log onto my instagram after I had told him I logged off of it. So idk how this tech works, it just looks like a lot of innocent people are getting jacked...

Also doesn't that mean that @culture should get banned? For trying to jack an @   from somebody onsite? @Fear @jukebox
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

We typically need proof, which is why I am requesting it.
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

He tried doing this to my 600k Instagram I am talking with him on Kik right now! I told him who he was and hes asking for thread etc. His Kik is "buyingshoutz"
EDIT : I can show Kik screenshots kik me "Smirk"
RE: Community WARNING to all IG users!

Provided my proof and got that fuck boy banned.
@Liquids , Nice man! Stop the scammer before they can scam loll!

@Beam , I'm assuming no since they had no mutually connected sessions. But like I stated above, Aj still wanted me to log into my name and post AFTER I had told him I signed out. But I doubt it tbh
Everyone was loosing there shit from this it was crazy now everyone knows about it
Dusk said:
@Novakon do you know who jacked sam? i kinda wanna know who did it

From what I've heard, it was the same person he scammed like a week ago

I'm not saying it was karma but...
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