I'll be off to college in a year, and I would like to know what I should get my Bachelors in, Computer Science or Software Engineering. From what I can understand, people who get are computer scientists are the ones who develop and optimize specific features and algorithms, tinkering away at a detail until it's perfect, often times leading to a frail overall structure. Software Engineers take tried and true information and techniques and use them to develop a robust, if slightly unoptimized, solution. As a hobby programmer using java, I seem to fall into Software Engineering. I study tried and true methods, use powerful libraries, and create programs that simply work.
In short, I'm unsure what to do. I've always loved math, and once I learn to apply it properly to programming, I would love to tinker with algorithms, but I also want more out of my programs.
In short, I'm unsure what to do. I've always loved math, and once I learn to apply it properly to programming, I would love to tinker with algorithms, but I also want more out of my programs.