Confession Thread


Power member.
Drop your confessions here.

Don't be shy.

Confession: I like big butts.
Cole said:
I like big butts.

And I cannot lie.

OT: There's only a handful of people on this site which I don't hate.
Confession you stole my idea nuff nuff !!
But yea butts are nice .
Cabbage said:
Confession: I hacked a runescape account when I was 11 and stole 3m


confession: I actually laughed out loud at that.
Confession @ philly !!!!
Upgrade me already im sure you secured it already.. :/
I would post my confessions, unfortunately I have more confessions than posts on this forum.
confession: im horrible with money.
I have far too many confessions to single out one and post it.
Swaggy said:
I have a confession too...
I'm a dolphin. I'm being serious...please don't make fun of me. Here's a picture of me.

I am Swaggy. Please dont make fun of me. Here is a pic of me

Confession: Back in the day I used a coin hacker on club penguin ):
Than I gave myself infinite coins and went out and got myself banned xD
Interviews are like confessions
Get the fuck up out my dressing room, confusing me with questions.

- Drake
Swaggy said:
I have a confession too...
I'm a dolphin. I'm being serious...please don't make fun of me. Here's a picture of me.

Oh really?

I'm a Wholphin. My father is a False Killer Whale and my mother is a Bottlenose Dolphin.

My mother is the furthest away, my father is directly above myself in the image.

"I only got 20 dollars in my pocket"​
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