Lets say, I'd like to sell ~7b, how much should I be able to sell it without any hassles? Hassles being cheap people who are like "amg u haz many monies so u s3ll cheapo pls?!?!"
Well yeah, I'm asking like the general price of mils right now. With that I could use my highly advanced mathematic skills to figure out the total networth. :l
Well yeah, I'm asking like the general price of mils right now. With that I could use my highly advanced mathematic skills to figure out the total networth. :l
Yea thats what all gold sells for
But if a person buys billions normally thy get a deal like .45 perm just because they are buying so much but yea .50 is what all gold normally sells at so yea I would start selling at that
A famous youtuber, who you might have heard about known as Wtf Elvemage or Max sold his bank to smoking mills. To me that seems like a reliable buyer, because they're known to be legit, sort of like dragon dice
Well the price is $0.50 per million, but as you are selling 7b which is a big amount of money, if you are lucky and find a buyer he'd probably buy at like $0.40 per million.