[CONTEST] Win a sexy forum signature


Do you want a sexy signature? If so you've come to the right place.
Our winner is

1. Cabbage
2. Prey
3. Subaru
4. MyNam3isBoost
5. Carson
6. Marketplace
7. .Matthew.
8. Sanctuary
9. Xtasy
10. Founder
Contest end's once all 10 spots are filled.
MyNam3isBoost said:
Can users choose to have a sexy avatar instead? I'll choose number 4. Nice of you to do this.
Sorry, this is a signature contest only. I will open another contest soon for avatars.

Thank you and good luck.
#9 thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1,5,6,8 & 10 are still up for grabs!
Get them while you can.
I'm in need of a new sig, so I chose #8
I will take number 6
Thanks for the giveaway
Added, there is one more spot left.
I Will Take #10 If No One Else Does, Even Tho I Have #6 I Will Take both (;
Marketplace said:
I Will Take #10 If No One Else Does, Even Tho I Have #6 I Will Take both (;
No, that wouldn't be fair to other members.
+el said:
No, that wouldn't be fair to other members.

It's fine Founder gets #10
Thanks Founder!
And Thanks +el I will PM you what I would like
Thanks again.
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