Visit a waterfall at dusk and you may see moonbows—nighttime rainbows.
Simon Bolivar is the only person in the world to have two sovereign nations named after him: Bolivia and Venezuela (the country's full name is Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela).
The Plague of Justinian killed as many as 10,000 people a day at its peak in 541 before eventually migrating from the Byzantine Empire to Western Europe, where it became known as The Black Plague.
As soon as Citizen Kane was completed, Hearst’s estate offered RKO pictures $800,000 ($100,000 more than the picture cost to make) to destroy the film.
Although Charles Schulz loved drawing Charlie Brown and his pals, he hated the name Peanuts, which was chosen by United Features Syndicate despite his objections.
A yellow baseball (thought to be more visible to batters, fielders, and spectators) was tested in New York City at 1938 college game between Fordham and Columbia.