There are an immeasurable number of things that can cloud one's judgement. I find any single example (in this case "power") quite irrelevant when compared to the other billions of things that influence one's thought process as a whole. Our brains are constantly adjusting/adapting/reacting, so it could be something as small as stubbing a toe that could cause you to behave differently than you would have in the next immediate situation. Is corruption inevitable? Its not a straight line answer, like yes or no. I think in this world, on this planet, being where we are now.. yes it is inevitable. The damage is done. I dont think necessary changes will be made in time to overcome all of the corruption within our race. Its too late. Actions need to take place, but the ones with the resources to carry them out are the ones who are corrupt. Im just running this all in my head...very very bad things are going to happen in our lifetime. What will come of it, I dont know.