Could I get FireCape with this?




75 Def
70 Ranged
60 Prayer

Also, which bolts should I buy?
When I went there before I got hacked and some stupid hacker dropped my fire cape I used 2 crystal bows, what you have in your inventory, and a stackable food item. Instead of bandos, get torags for defence, Torags helm, black d hide/kerils bottom/top.
Yeah, if you have an ava's device, you should be able to do it with 4k bolts, but you should always be safer than sorry.
Seems like a good set up to me, good luck getting the cape!
Echoes said:
Yeah, if you have an ava's device, you should be able to do it with 4k bolts, but you should always be safer than sorry.
Seems like a good set up to me, good luck getting the cape!


Buying around 4,5k in G.E now :)
You should be able to. Take 500-1000 diamond bolts(e) for the last few waves + jad.
there are lvl 40's with 50 range and 43 peayer who have firecapes, ofc u can get a firecape, just follow a guide 100% and dont panic or become un focused
Read a guide and see what you need to use.
yes this is a noob question mabey, but why doesnt any members have food when fighting this guy, it sounds stupid lol/ get some good members food or something ( dont bag me im f2p )
ConCax said:
Would 4k adamant bolts be enough? :L

Replace those with broad tipped bolts, they are the same just cheaper. Also try throwing in 100 purple sweets.
Ireppgold said:
yes this is a noob question mabey, but why doesnt any members have food when fighting this guy, it sounds stupid lol/ get some good members food or something ( dont bag me im f2p )

Because they use saradomin brews which heals you.
purple sweets is always usful to have, and so are sara bews when getting the fire cape.
Purple Sweets = massive waste of cash tbh.
Doesn't bandos give neg range bonus?
You need more brews tbh.. 4 isn't going to last. Look at jad guides on youtube (a couple of them) and see their inventory and try to copy it.