CSGO Steam Gift Contest!

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Active Member
I've been trying to sell this, but no ones interested. so I'm making a little contest, just reply what # you want to be entered with and I'll draw as soon the entries are full!

the only requirement is that you have to be onyx or more. winner will be drawn with random.org

good luck!

1. @Balfour
2. @Triad
3. @Ron
4. @Kowai
5. @Trenchguns
6. @Level
7. @Moon Knight
8. @Cred
9. @Nab
10. @Marley
11. @Felon
12. @Krish
13. @Yosemite
14. @Wiz
15. @wize
Number 7 please man <3
Thanks for doing this.
Ill take number 8, I really want this!!!!
Bro let me get #9, sick giveaway.
I'd like to enter spot number 12!!
Spot #2 please. Thank you very much sir!
Ill take spot number 11. Thanks man
I'll take #3 Thanks for this nice giveaway.
there's 5 spots left. I'm going off now so I'll update later
I guess I'll snag the first spot.

Thanks for hosting this giveaway @light!
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