CTF Video Title

Yer obviously but ill probably do that when I create the actuall video because I cant add sound in the software I used to create the title.. Song Suggestions?
What do you think about the color transitions? What colors should we use? Should we use any at all and just stick with the 1?
Is everything long enough? Should I make it longer, shorter?
It needs to be a little longer at the end or fade out. And try the song 'Pixel Cheese' by Skrillex
Yer that would be cool.
If its a song by Skrillex then I have it.
What ill do is increase the length of the starting and ending title so theres still enough space for fading.
Ill add the song when I make the video because that way I can have the song running into the video itself.
Ill probs make a Java tutorial tomorrow sometime.
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