Customizing Username Styles!


Active Member
Here you will learn different types of username styles.

Are you getting bored of your user group with a color and bold? Want to add some spice maby!? Well you gonna learn how to addon more.

Here are your first steps

1. AdminCP -> Users and Groups -> Groups -> *Select the group you would like to add on too*

2. You now want to goto 'Username Style'.

Different Types of styles that you can use:

Text shadow:
<span style="color: green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #39c70d;"><strong><em>{username}</em></strong></span>

To edit the text shadow color you change the color code:
text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #39c70d;

Results of the text shadow:

Image Next To Name:
<span style="color: green;"><img src="images/buddies.gif">{username}</span>

To edit image next to name, change image directory:
<span style="color: green;"><img src="images/buddies.gif">{username}</span>

Results of image next to name:

Glitter name/background image on username:
<span style="color: green;background:url(;">{username}</span>

To edit glitter image or change image for background image:
<span style="color: green;background:url(;">{username}</span>

Result of glitter name(this image is an animation behind your name:

I hope you enjoyed my tutorial and use it on your forum!

Angel .
this can also be used in any html webpage
<span style="color: green;text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px #39c70d;"><strong><em>Text</em></strong></span>
Yep anything in the "style="" " can be used on html page
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