D claw pure

It's sad to see you go, you are a great member. Good luck to whoever tries to win this.
omg i Really really really want a Pure, my computers interent tends to cut out and so i cant bot an account. i have no money, yet i really have a Urge to get a claw pure :( this would seriously make me jizz on my keyboard if i got it! ill do anything, ill suck your dick if i have to!!!! your one of my favourite members and i love you! please man :)
I really need it, since my main got banned. I won't play RS anymore, but I will when I get a free account. I would really appreciate if you give this to me.
I'd love to have a pure. I have never had one and would like to start pking. I feel that I'd be a good owner and take good care of this account.

Good luck to whoever wins it.
I would want the d claw pure because I always see people making pk videos, having fun, and i always wish i could be them/have an account like them. So if you give me this account, you definitely made my wish come true. Also, you say to not change the name, so i will honor that statement and not change the name if i do get the account, as it would be my thanks to you.

Offtopic: It's always sad to see a member go, if you know them or not. Goodluck and farewell.
but dude if i get this i will be forever Greatful!!! it would be like so amazing... i sware i would be soooooo happy
oh and also i would Never sell it as it is a gift / prize and a Beast of an acc :) i would take very good care of it! and if you ever decide to come back i would give it back! i really want this acc tho!!

GL all
I really want this account cause I never had a pure with so high stats and if I get it I will take care of it and will never change the name and I also want this cause my other accounts are fail and got hacked due to the rsbot keylogging.
My close friend already has a good dclaw pure and he is always telling me to make one so we can PK together, he even offered to give me dclaws, but I don't have the time and money to make a whole new character.
This would be lovely.
oh and also were both Angles members :) Help a fellow Brother :D in how many hours will this be given away :D? its soo late were i live and if you choose me what will happen if im not here? (you probably wont choose me :( ive never won a thing in my life and everyone hates me :(
I want it because I have never owned a dclaw pure before, i have never had a pure even that good. you can look at my pures in my siggy and they dont match up to anywhere as good as that account. The highest stat I have hit before is 77 which was on a main over a 5 year span.
ive wanted a pure for a long time but everytime i make one it gets banned. so i gave up. i want the account so i can pk and make it a better account than it already is
because i literally have only 5 mil lol. but im not members so i think someone else should get it lol. sad to see you go though
I can't view the image, could you upload it to a different site?
http://i.min.us/ickZiG.JPG theres the image of the dpure i think. just quote him and get the link

EDIT: that link is broken. which is why it isnt showing up in the OP :(
awww nice account. good job to whoever gets it. and hope to see you back here soon ~~~