I never liked him, He never showed the community what he can do. The only way he showing it is through buying the site, which I bet he's trying to get profit out of some way. I want RAF back he was a better owner. He is also threatening us with Ultra Negative repping us, if we negative rep him. We can express our opinion. That's my opinion, all the admins are great.
Well then.. it is a bit unfair he got banned for no listed reason, probably because the new owner's tolerance is low. I thought RAF said he was a friendly guy?
This isn't the first impression we're wanting Glen, you're actions are making you seem like a Tyrant.
You guys have to relax, he knows what he is doing. Just drop it, DrecliN came here rattled and mad that carbon got banned and I lost ownership. Everyone needs to take a breAther and think and relax