DamagedMods GTA 5 Recovery Service! [Xbox360]


User is banned.
[size=x-large]DamagedMods GTA 5 Recovery/Lobby Service![/size]
I Have Changed My FK Username Multiple Times Since I Started This Service

All Services Are Done With My Person GTA V Mod Menu That Was Developed By Me!
The Menu Has A Fully Working Ban Bypass So No Account Will Get Banned During Services!



Standard Package

Level 120
150 Million In-Game Money

Price: $5


Premium Package

Level 120-420
150-400 Million In-Game Money
Unlock All (LSC, Clothes, & Weapons)

Price: $10


Master Package

Level 1-1000
150 - 999 Million In-Game Money
Unlock All (Limited Edition Clothes, Heist Vehicles, & Heist Gear)
All Achievements For GTA 5 Story & Online (Heists)!
Custom KD
Roosevelt In Phone
Unlimited Snacks (99999999999)

Price: $15


Cash Drops

5 Minute Cash Drop (In-Game)
40k Bags

Price: $5


[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]10 Minute Cash Drop (In-Game)[/font]
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]40k Bags

Price: $10[/font]


-Payment Options-
Paypal (Will Take Paypal Over Amazon)
Amazon (Can Be Bought From Amazon.com)


My Channel


Interested in buying one of my services?
1. PM Me
2. Skype: DamagedMods
3. Aim: Damaged.Mods
4. KIK: mtar

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]-----------------------------------------------------[/font]

By purchasing from my service, you're aware of the consequences that may take place. 
Therefore, I am not responsible for any action taken against your account whether it's a ban from Rockstar online servers or a ban from Xbox Live. 
Any dispute/charge back on PayPal is seen as "scamming". 
If a charge back takes place, I will open a scam report and you will be rightfully banned from my services and this forum. 
This is an online virtual service, you should understand that there are no refunds. 
All disputes/charge backs should be avoided. 
By reading and agreeing to these terms you understand that, there will be no refunds if banned, neither will you open a scam report or negative rep me. 
These terms can change at anytime. 
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

Vouch for this bald user, he's my offsite friend and does legit lobbies.
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

Highly Vouch for this service! It was fast and he's cool af. I'll be buying a recovery from him soon as well. Thanks homie!
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

Towel said:
Highly Vouch for this service! It was fast and he's cool af. I'll be buying a recovery from him soon as well. Thanks homie!
No Problem Bud Hope You Enjoyed :p
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

Open! :D Contact Me To Buy! Lobbies Are Going All Night :D
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

I'm friends with this guy offsite, he's funny AF!
RE: GTA 5 Cash Drop Service! Cheap And Legit!

Friends with this random, gave me cash for free. Fucking slut gave me only vouch copy. Buy from him but he be sketchy when I offer dick pics for cash. Be warned but deal with confidence.
RE: DamagedMods GTA 5 Recovery/Lobby Service! [Xbox360]

I can record a video for you if you would like, glad you offer this service because I cannot stand doing GTA.
RE: DamagedMods GTA 5 Recovery/Lobby Service! [Xbox360]

Service is still up and running HMU to buy
RE: DamagedMods GTA 5 Recovery/Lobby Service! [Xbox360]

Service is up and going again :p Prices Lowered.
Would your service transfer to xb1 if I haven't transfered my character yet?
Astr0naut said:
Would your service transfer to xb1 if I haven't transfered my character yet?
Yes if you havent transfered yet then my service will work for GTA 5.
Bumping this since its re-open!