Damn, i got banned.


User is banned.
Just kidding, playing Black ops 2 zombies right now!
Move this to Spamming & Trolling, before all of the banned victims go haywire.
shorties said:
I added f to see what all the hype was about removed him then got banned later

I didnt ask whether or not you added f, i asked why you got banned! so why did you get banned? 8)
Earth said:
Just kidding, playing Black ops 2 zombies right now!

I was like damn man y'all fools stupid lol I do have a good idea behind who is responsible for the ban wave and trying to talk to Philly / Paul H. about it now but no replies yet :/

Hows that bg / emblem coming little homie?
shorties said:
. Fuck off scumbag

If you spent as much time taking the console to game stop and selling it, going to another game stop and buying a game as you did fucking bitching you would have all ready been able to play xbox with looper lol
Slacker said:
If you spent as much time taking the console to game stop and selling it, going to another game stop and buying a game as you did fucking bitching you would have all ready been able to play xbox with looper lol
. Maybe i don't want someone to get a banned xbox
Cannibаl said:
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but how did you manage to start your sentence with a period? I don't see how you could even make that mistake. How did you fail that bad grammar-wise?
. Sure you're not im on a ipod touch fuck off
Cannibаl said:
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but how did you manage to start your sentence with a period? I don't see how you could even make that mistake. How did you fail that bad grammar-wise?

OH MY GOD i love you.
shorties said:
. Maybe i don't want someone to get a banned xbox

WHy, It is not you that it comes back on, it is game stop...
They fuck us out of money every time we trade / sell this to them... "Oh you just bought this new game off us (despite the fact that the plastic is off the game we still charge you for a "new game") like 2 days ago, did not like it and want to return it?
Well you spent 70 on it, we will give you 25 really bro??
get some mother fucking balls. Go to the mother fucking game stop, and trade your shit in....
That or just stop fucking spamming fk and shut the fuck up.
Dang you trolled us lol I was apart of the banwave guess I'm F*cked
Mew’ said:
Did you do the recovery for BO1 or MW3?

Yeah, did a recovery for $25. Luckily I got my money back as the stats he promised weren't exactly what I got so he refunded me the amount.
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