Damn, i got banned.

Cannibаl said:
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but how did you manage to start your sentence with a period? I don't see how you could even make that mistake. How did you fail that bad grammar-wise?

The correct way to type this would be as follows Cannibal:

Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but how did you manage to start your sentence with a period? I do not see how you could have even made that mistake. How did you fail that bad grammatically?
Please sir, if you are going to correct grammatical error, no matter how small, please use proper grammar yourself
Just fucking with you man lol
Cannibаl said:
Not trying to be a jerk or anything, but how did you manage to start your sentence with a period? I don't see how you could even make that mistake. How did you fail that bad grammar-wise?

You might have just made him look full blown retard with that one.
Chronos said:
Yeah, did a recovery for $25. Luckily I got my money back as the stats he promised weren't exactly what I got so he refunded me the amount.

Damn, you got banned so fast. Last time I did a recovery, it took like 6 months to get banned.

I'm not that big of a grammar freak. Although, I believe the way I phrased it is still grammatically acceptable.
Slacker said:
Nice way to stay on topic on ones thread, you deffinetly deserve Onyx lol

Looks like you're not on topic either. You definitely deserve Power
Busting balls since 1986 lol
See you fucks later, I gotta go and take care of my girl
Slacker said:
Busting balls since 1986 lol
See you fucks later, I gotta go and take care of my girl

Well fuck you Slacker. You know what? I'm giving you my HC award because you are a dirty bitch. JS.
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