Dbow rushing


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Anyone good at this if it takes any skill? I never get kills with it. My range is like 61 and im combat 51 or something. I'd have to check my cb though.
care to tell me when to do it?
Just do it when they have low health. Maybe get your range lvl higher.
Damn! I just got the kid to like 10 hp

I hit a 183 and like a 17 -.-
Get 70+ranged then do it. With 70 ranged (And a pot) using a crossbow and ruby bolts (E) you can easily max 400's on specs, kind of hard to pk like this though.
I am getting 99 range on my dbow account using soulwars. My hp is 62, and when I finish.. the stats would be..

1 attack 1 str 1 def 1 prayer 1 mage 62 hp 99 range 62 combat

Lol went afk for 2 mins because RS isn't as important as RL business and someone jumped me and said "attack me?" and continued to kill me.


You stay in safearea when you aren't rushing. T_T
Most Dark Bow rushers Dont only use Dark Bow many use weapons like Magic Short bow and Rune Crossbow.
Anyway you should get 70 range and use range potion every time you rush.
And That is a High level Dark Bow rusher.
17 is impossible with a d bow with d arrows. 80 is lowest hit you can do with d arrows on a d bow.
Well, rune knife / dbolt k0, yes.
At his level I was critting 444's with dbolt/3rdage vambs/range ring&ammy
just pk normally, rushing is stupid.
Carbon said:
At his level I was critting 444's with dbolt/3rdage vambs/range ring&ammy

you pk with a 700k ammy?
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