Deans turbo [Geschenk 4.0] Request

I'm pretty sure people who have it aren't allowed to re-sell it. :/

And I don't think Dean sells it anymore...
We are allowed now I'm sure, Dean never even gets on anymore and is not staff.

You won't just be getting this free.. if you can pay $10 then we will talk.
Deans turbo is bad because its outdated, also you can't resell it just because he doesn't get on or is not staff. I know Dean didn't allow reselling.
If anyone gives me this, or any type of turboer that isn't shit, i'll give you however many koins i have.
I got the turbo for free but I won't put in the hands of a random that will take everyone's tags :/
Yes I don't believe he sold re-sell rights besides I believe there is a serial number for each one.
Earth said:
If you respect Dean you won't resell it.

Exactly. People have asked me multiple times and I won't sell his turboer.

It's gay if you make a little bit of change from selling something that someone else put a lot of hard work and effort into.
I have it... Im not sending to anyone. Thats just not cool.
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