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[Debate] Religion - Your Opinions.


Just let me know if I sound too harsh in this, it's late. I do NOT want to offend or flame anyone in this thread.

I am an atheist and I would not consider myself in any religion. I personally dislike and ,to be honest, am scared of religion. Something with such power is too dangerous for us. We have proved this time and time again. Now I classify religion and self-belief as two separate things. I do not mind and in fact encourage self-belief. This is healthy where as I believe that religion is unhealthy.

There is no proof a so called "God" exists, but I accept there is no proof that He/She/It doesn't exist either. However, this doesn't change the fact that this is YOUR life. Not "God's". So, while thinking/hoping troubles will turn out better is a nice concept, it's not how the world works. Bad things happen to perfectly good people for no apparent reason (Natural disasters, tsunamis, earthquakes etc). They might have lead a life based on Karma and done nothing wrong but a freak accident warrants them dead.
The blunt expression "Shit happens" is how the world works. After all, this is your life, so whether you believe in God or not doesn't matter. The world keeps on turning.

I dislike the Pope for one reason. No one man should have this power. (Bare with me there might be incorrect facts and I would appreciate if someone would correct me if I'm wrong). Everyone is equal no? So why does the Pope get this opportunity to talk to "God" and everyone else not? Why do people follow what the Pope says like it's truth? For example, if the Pope decided to say kill every non-Christian. What would happen? Killings all over the world would. This level of brainwashing is too dangerous.

I feel i have deviated so I will try to get back on topic. My personal proof that "God" does not exist can be seen everyday. He either does not exist and so the world goes on in it's cruel way where life is not equal and undeserving people die/suffer for no reason; Or He exists but frankly is so cold hearted and is a "nob". He is described as "All loving", but when random killings, natural disasters, unpreventable deaths happen to good people it makes me question things. The morality of "God"? The existence of "God".

Now I have gone horribly off-topic and apologise to anyone who read my ramblings, so will summarise:

There is a logical way of explaining most/if not all Religion's miracles.
Religion is a personal choice
The Bible is taken too literally (same with all books)
Morals are a good thing
"God", in my eyes, cannot exist

Living your life by the "morals of all religions" (Not stealing, being kind to everyone, helping people... the list goes on) is all one needs to live a good life. But, never forget "Shit happens" whether we like it or not and no magic hand will save you.


Active Member
tl;dr, but I still believe Atheism is a religion according to the definition of a religion.


Active Member
Let's see.

In my opinion, religion is a way out. a release, something to keep you away from this world and your troubles, something that explains what we're here to those who want to believe, it's a ray of hope, believing there's something bigger, more powerful than us, something transcendental, with no limits.

That can be good and bad, depending on how people choose to act, based on it.
Let's take two examples, a good one, and a bad one (I'm doing Catholics, since I know them better):

"An old man is struggling with bone cancer (it hurts, horribly), he doesn't have much time left, but he's afraid of dying. Somebody comes by, and introduces him to a merciful God, who will take care of him if he repents his sins, and chooses to believe in Him. This old man decides God's real, and there's a heaven. He will now let go, stop the insane suffering he's been through (he dies)."

That old man died happy, believing there's something after this life, something better, that will last for all eternity. A place where his loved ones have been waiting for him, and where he'll be waiting for the rest of them.
Doesn't that sound good? Even if it's a lie (which I'm not saying it is), it brought peace to the old guy and his family.


Now my experience.
I'm... sort of a Catholic.
My grandmothers tried to turn me into a "real Catholic", since I was like seven years old. By that, they meant I should attend mass every Sunday, confess every month or so (minimum), and do more stuff I can't remember, lol.

My parents didn't ever go to mass. One day, when I was like fourteen, I asked them, and their response was exactly what I wanted to hear, and what I still believe in.

I do believe in a God, but not in the vengeful old testament God, who will condemn you to eternal Hell for not going to the church every Sunday.

I believe in a laid-back God, who created us to be free. That's why we can think, that's why we're rational. We can decide whether or not we want to be good, or we want to serve him. And how we want to serve him.

I pray, I don't "say my prayers", like the Lord's Prayer, I try and well. Have a conversation with God. I ask for stuff, offer stuff, say thanks, etc.