Decent Instagram

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This has been sold for $150 off site. Thanks to everyone who was interested.
RE: Clean IG

I'll start off by a $10 bid I guess.
RE: Clean IG

Ill bid 13$ lmk when outbid thanks.
RE: Clean IG

What's your bin ? And are the likes legit
RE: Clean IG

Ill bid 15, whats the BIN mate
RE: Clean IG

California said:
What's your bin ? And are the likes legit

Gang said:
Ill bid 15, whats the BIN mate

No BIN as of now, this has been appraised privately and all of them were different prices. And yes, a big page liked my photos, that's about it.
RE: Clean IG

I'll bid $20 then, I like this one.
RE: Clean IG

This is still for sale. aLooking to get this sold today.
RE: Clean IG

I bid 25 lmk if outbid. Thanks.
RE: Clean IG

I offer 150$ on this account, lmk if willing to sell
RE: Clean IG

Amc said:
I offer 150$ on this account, lmk if willing to sell
I wouldn't accept it from you. Convert to Bitcoin and I'll think twice.
RE: Clean IG

Amc said:
I offer 150$ on this account, lmk if willing to sell

lmao i just laughed who would jump that high of a bid.
RE: Clean IG

The bidding war is on.

I bid 35 lmao gg
RE: Clean IG

40$ bid on this piece. Let me know if somebody outbids me.
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