
Any stats? Is the gamerscore legit or modded? tenure? is there any reason for the account to get banned?

Provide more information. thanks for posting proof and good luck with sales.
The gamerscore is 100 percent legit it doesnt have any years yet but i would mod the years if wanted it also never had a consequence from xbox.
Art said:
The gamerscore is 100 percent legit it doesnt have any years yet but i would mod the years if wanted it also never had a consequence from xbox.

We dont do Mods here. Everything has be Legit.
ok well the gamerscore is legit its just the account doesnt have any years.
Yea you might wanna post some Stats or something that the account has. Other than that your selling a pointless account with a half okay name.
You wanting to get rid of the whole account or just the tag? I'm interested either way but let me know.
Screwby said:
You wanting to get rid of the whole account or just the tag? I'm interested either way but let me know.
Why would you even ask that now any one who likes it will turbo it lol
Vio said:
Why would you even ask that now any one who likes it will turbo it lol

I guess this is true I've seen a lot of turboing happening its sad
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