Deep/Dark web


Power member.
Has anyone ever visited the deep/dark web? Can anyone explain what both of them are, i know somewhat of what they're about. Like people selling body parts, human trafficking, hiring hitmen, etc.

(Let me know if i'm not able to talk about this stuff on the forum for whatever reason.)
Deep web and the dark web are the same thing just different names. The deep web is like a underground series of websites that sell drugs, child porn, etc. I've been on there before even purchased some drugs on there.

I don't think we are allowed to talk about how to get on there and stuff because that's considered black hat activity.
Can not discuss about how to get on the dark web.
I have heard about it and I have been on it once, saw a baby get its head cut off, never went back on.
Also, if you go on the dark web, you are definitely being tracked by various hackers etc.
Just like the SilkRoad, when it was up.
@backwoods bro why would you rat yourself out like that, lol?
@matigo wasn't sure if i was allowed or not to discuss about it, you can close the thread or do whatever. That is fucked btw, why are people so cruel man.
Matigo said:
Also, if you go on the dark web, you are definitely being tracked by various hackers etc.
I don't believe that's true. Is it 100% safe to be on? No it's not, part's have been hacked and seized by the FBI but it's almost virtually impossible for a hacker to just trace you once you get on to visit the deep web.

@Julian It doesn't matter I'd like to see the feds try to put a case on me just by saying that lol
@backwoods yeah i was just playing, but that's crazy. My friend was showing me this video in class of this guy being tortured or some shit by a guy in a costume. It was a live stream and people in the chat were telling the guy what do to do the other guy, have you seen that video?
Julian said:
@backwoods yeah i was just playing, but that's crazy. My friend was showing me this video in class of this guy being tortured or some shit by a guy in a costume. It was a live stream and people in the chat were telling the guy what do to do the other guy, have you seen that video?
No I don't view videos like that. I do remember there was a serial killer that was loose that was uploading videos of him killing people every now and then. It's fucked up theres forums just like this on there about child porn, murdering, drugs, etc. You can easily find book how to make explosives, guns, poisons, and all of that crazy ISIS shit (written by ISIS members).
It's safe to be on it lol, it's used for privacy reasons, just don't click on shit like that and you'll be fine, you won't run it to that stuff anyways unless you go to the hidden wiki, you can surf the internet just like you do on a normal browser like chrome, firefox, and etc.
@backwoods it was a censored version on youtube so it didn't show anything, and that's crazy yeah it's pretty fucked.
@bambi oh okay i see.
Julian said:
@backwoods it was a censored version on youtube so it didn't show anything, and that's crazy yeah it's pretty fucked.
@bambi oh okay i see.

Watching someone get tortured live is called a "Red Room"
There are some fucked up things on the dark Web.
@haloreach why have you seen one live before?
You'll probably find it's ran by the FBI and Government. Haha

Normally all that bullshit is. How do drugs get back on the street? Police!
Julian said:
@haloreach why have you seen one live before?

No, I have not. It'd be interesting to see how fucked up people are.
It'd cost you about $300 BTC for a room, i think its a membership for a year or a month or something, you gotta find the real site most are identical and scams :p
@bambi $300 BTC to enter the room or have a room of your own?
Julian said:
@bambi $300 BTC to enter the room or have a room of your own?

To become a member of those rooms where you see live murders and shit. you can sit and watch other people offer huge amounts of cash.
One guy offers $400 btc to see a girl get stabbed
You can offer $... btc to see what you wanna see
you can participate or sit and watch.
@bambi that is soo fucked up, i don't understand why people would pay to see shit like that.
Julian said:
@bambi that is soo fucked up, i don't understand why people would pay to see shit like that.

It happens in the middle east, it's fucked up, i've been on it but i couldn't stand that shit, they were just hitting a girl and shit, someone can offer like $800 to slit a throat. They usually round up homeless people and do it to them.
It's like the purge but real life and on the internet, dark web, whatever you nerds call it.
@therapy it's nothing like the purge, but cool theory.