Crysis said:DT isn't very hard.
You just need to prep, etc.
Automatic Coding said:Well back in the day before I knew about botting/gold sellers I tried do to DT on my level 70 main and died and lost 1M. Since then (even though it's not much, just the amount back then is screwing with my head) I have hated the quest.
Dykerosoft said:Are you a mage pure or a hybrid?
You should level attack/prayer with quests.Automatic Coding said:No fucking idea, I just sorta made a account and started botting O_O
Currect stats:
60 attack
70 strength
50 something range (botting right now, about to go bed. Aiming for 70-80)
1 mage (after 70-80 range I'll get to 80)
1 prayer (should I levle?)
62 HP