Desperately wanting a oringal Pokemon GT!


Like the title says, I'm look to buy a original Pokemon name, UNBANNED. I'd like for the Pokemon to be in yellow, blue, red, silver, or gold. As theses are the games I played as a kid. So please message me if you have one for sell. Email:
Caterpie is owned by hope, I think.
Fluttershy said:
Gt Metapod 300$ k thanks Glhf

Do you actually own this account? And is it really for sell?

P J said:
Caterpie is owned by hope, I think.

Do you know if they are selling the account?
good luck finding one there's not many around, or at least, not many around with an owner who is willing to sell it.
good luck.
Eevee said:
good luck finding one there's not many around, or at least, not many around with an owner who is willing to sell it.
good luck.

I've noticed, and a lot of them aren't being used at all and have been inactive for years. So unfair to the people who would love to use them.
cboetz said:
I've noticed, and a lot of them aren't being used at all and have been inactive for years. So unfair to the people who would love to use them.

tell me about it :/
i own e e v e e.
(waiting for v1 reset)
and i want to get all the evolution tags: Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon. but they're either inactive or banned
Ive seen Venomoth, Nidoking and a couple other tags being sold on hf.
Eevee said:
tell me about it :/
i own e e v e e.
(waiting for v1 reset)
and i want to get all the evolution tags: Umbreon, Espeon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Glaceon, Leafeon. but they're either inactive or banned

That's funny, I just messaged your GT! Mines Pro Boyfriend. I didn't know that was you. Do you happen to know when the reset will be or how to tell its taken place? Cuz I'm tryin to get one that I believe is still from the original Xbox and I heard they reset every 7 years, well it's 7 years exactly this month since the 360 dropped.

Decoto said:
Ive seen Venomoth, Nidoking and a couple other tags being sold on hf.

Do you have a link?
Fluttershy said:
I'll let You know if I wanna sell it. But probs out of your price range

Ok hmu on xbl GT: Pro Boyfriend

Buuummpppp. I still need help finding one!!
Vegeta owns/owned the tag M ew. its spaced but it will be one of the dopest pokemon tags when it gets reset.
6ix said:
Vegeta owns/owned the tag M ew. its spaced but it will be one of the dopest pokemon tags when it gets reset.

-clears throat- mine's better ;]
Eevee said:
-clears throat- mine's better ;]
i had you added until my tag got jacked but they deleted my WHOLE friends list. i got it back doe. add me back brah. gt:Coincidence.
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