Destiny Beta Code


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Sorry I'm a moron haha thanks
The Beta is free for all gold members, sorry.
⚔ said:
Lol why sell it when they're giving it for free now on XBL for everyone who has gold

Oh I thought it required a code to play it you only get when you preorder it.
Jamils #1 Bitch said:
Oh I thought it required a code to play it you only get when you preorder it.

Yea that was before, I think they updated it today. Check your Xbox Dashboard, they're giving the beta to everyone who has gold membership for free so no code needed anymore.
⚔ said:
Yea that was before, I think they updated it today. Check your Xbox Dashboard, they're giving the beta to everyone who has gold membership for free so no code needed anymore.
Ah awesome. Sorry my bad, thanks!