Detective Award

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Well-Known Member

Detective Award

This award is owned by @Twelve and it will never be used as a 'buy-in's' or 'award4award', it name also change to 'investigator award' to save confusion.​
I will be deciding who is granted the award from here on out.​
I am looking for one or two people to help me out on deciding who is granted this award.​
People will only be considered if they are active in finding ban evaders, IE - multi's, scammers, character evaders.​
If you want to apply for this award, simply state how you have earned it, it is not an easy award to earn, show me what you have done towards keeping the forum safe, I will grant this to people that I know are worthy of it, but it is unlikely you will get this award without notifying me through PM's or responding to this thread.​
I recommend stating what you do upon finding a ban evader, do you go out of your way to find proof that this person should be banned? do you contact the staff team right away? do you wait some time to see if the person gets banned without your information?​
It is simply added appreciation towards people that help keeping the forum a little safer.​
I will not be awarding the award instantly, I will be evaluating all the potential grantees, so be patient.​
Closed for now.​
Sick award, I like the "no buy-ins or a4a" concept of it, good luck. I've reported only two people, I'm fairly new but because of my informative friends I can spot multi's and ban evaders. I'll be starting to look out some more and go out of my way to help the community. I do however already warn people of scammers offsite because I know a few and I don't want anyone on this site to get scammed.
I've caught a certain someone who Multi's like twice a week a few handful of times. Maybe I'll come back to this post every time I report another ban evader & post their link in here for a list to begin. Nice award @"Twelve". Thanks for the explanation @"Magic".
@Slay @Trap I have added some more information, perhaps state the ban evaders you have got banned so far, in PM or on here.
Magic said:
@Slay @Trap I have added some more information, perhaps state the ban evaders you have got banned so far, in PM or on here.

Two questions; Who have you caught ban-evading, etc? How many is a good number of people to catch before going for this, b/c you know I'm fucking  up in this bitch; catching nigga's left and right.
Isn't there a site owned version of this award? I think @kyle has it.
@Kyle it is earned through the same way, as I stated in the thread its just for extra appreciation to people that catch ban evaders, the name of the award will be changed, hopefully.
Pretty snazzy award. Hopefully I have earned in the amount of time. I don't know the exact number but I've caught around 4 or 5 scammers, multis... note that I've been a member since September but I rarely used the site till January
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