Did you notice?


I have been playing runescape on and off for over seven years now... and every time i stop playing its because my goals are completed... Have you noticed this. Even if i know people who play it, i stop because i don't have anything to go for... Just like people always say, if you have nothing to go for in life then its boring. (I need a job)
Nothing is ever completed on Runescape, that's why you keep coming back
Chewbaka said:
Nothing is ever completed on Runescape, that's why you keep coming back

idk... try doing treasure trails without a guide... then come back to me and tell me runescape not complicated..XD Runescape has some pretty good features.
DarkCore said:
idk... try doing treasure trails without a guide... then come back to me and tell me runescape not complicated..XD Runescape has some pretty good features.

I am not saying it is complicated. I am saying there is so much to do in RS; you are never finished.
Chewbaka said:
I am not saying it is complicated. I am saying there is so much to do in RS; you are never finished.

Zezima?? lol i get you... Just that I think we complete some goals and don't feel the need to get or look for more because we found something else or we have something else. Anyway i was just wondering if anyone felt the same way.
DarkCore said:
Zezima?? lol i get you... Just that I think we complete some goals and don't feel the need to get or look for more because we found something else or we have something else. Anyway i was just wondering if anyone felt the same way.

naa, he only has 100 dung. I think he quit RS O_O
Automatic Coding said:
naa, he only has 100 dung. I think he quit RS O_O

Good, that kid has no life. TBH He should sell his account. make at least 1000$
DarkCore said:
Good, that kid has no life. TBH He should sell his account. make at least 1000$

>implying you have a life.
pk or stake then, can be fun for a while
I am not even going there.... chewbaka is right, dude im playing runescape because I like playing it, if you dont like it then just stop playing and find yourself a job. I do both why cant you do the same ? I hope I didnt sound too rude.
Drey said:
I am not even going there.... chewbaka is right, dude im playing runescape because I like playing it, if you dont like it then just stop playing and find yourself a job. I do both why cant you do the same ? I hope I didnt sound too rude.

I wasn't really talking about what he said, but I guess that works
Drey said:
I am not even going there.... chewbaka is right, dude im playing runescape because I like playing it, if you dont like it then just stop playing and find yourself a job. I do both why cant you do the same ? I hope I didnt sound too rude.

i have the same opinion, that's why i said totally XD
Smellz-Like-Chr0n said:
I agree with famoushope. If you pk or stake youll never get bored.

you'll also be losing your bank lol
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