Different Types of data


Power member.
can someone please explain to me in their own words what qualitative and quantitative  data is please its for a project and i really cant find enough to assist me :)
Have you tried google? I literally remember learning this in 6th grade lol.
Cred said:
Have you tried google? I literally remember learning this in 6th grade lol.

Yes I really don't understand it at all and my teacher is an old pile of shit
If I remember right, it works like this.

quantitative ~ height, weight, length

qualitative ~ what color something is, how sweet a candy bar is, how bright a light is
Phony said:
If I remember right it works like this.

quantitative ~ height, weight, length

quantitative ~ what color something is, how sweet a candy bar is, how bright a light is

yeah i know that but i gotta like explain it in a few paragraphs etc :)
God said:
yeah i know that but i gotta like explain it in a few paragraphs etc :)

If you understand it, writing five sentences explaining each should be easy.
The term quantitative refers to a type of information or data that is based on quantities obtained using a quantifiable measurement process. In contrast, qualitative information records qualities that are descriptive, subjective or difficult to measure.

qualitative - describing the quality of something in size, appearance, value, etc. Such adjectives can be submodified by words such as very and have comparative and superlative forms.