Well, I recently bought a rare name from sythe...I have since bought membership, and changed the name to transfer it to my main. But I'm curious, I know that RuneWikia says this:
Once a user has chosen a new Display Name, his or her old one will be held for an amount of time. The name will be held for the 28 days in which the user may not change his or her name, and then for at least 7 more days, depending on the time the original name was held. This is so that he or she may revert to his or her old name if he or she wishes. Once these days have passed, the old Display Name will no longer be on hold and can be taken by others.
I don't get the part with the 7 days. It says it holds it unless I want to change it back...But would it still be held if I changed the name again after the 28 days have passed so I don't have to wait the 7 more days?
I understand it may be hard to understand what I'm asking, so try your best, no biggie if you don't get it lol.
Thanks for reading...
Once a user has chosen a new Display Name, his or her old one will be held for an amount of time. The name will be held for the 28 days in which the user may not change his or her name, and then for at least 7 more days, depending on the time the original name was held. This is so that he or she may revert to his or her old name if he or she wishes. Once these days have passed, the old Display Name will no longer be on hold and can be taken by others.
I don't get the part with the 7 days. It says it holds it unless I want to change it back...But would it still be held if I changed the name again after the 28 days have passed so I don't have to wait the 7 more days?
I understand it may be hard to understand what I'm asking, so try your best, no biggie if you don't get it lol.
Thanks for reading...