Deal with Caution with this user.
I was just in the middle of middlemanning for this user, Knowing that this was sketchy from the start I started to back away from it but I continued to help both parties get what they wanted.
@Divin aka @Hellfire/@Rey - the fucking broke boy scammer told me to sign out of the ig, so I did.
me and the other user were waiting for him to reply and he never did until 10mins after.
We found out that he got Wyatt to pull the IG back and swap the IG username to a new account.
Hellfire then blamed it all on me for "scamming" them both and fucked up majorly when he said there was a fb attached when I checked there wasn't anything linked.
He had swapped the IG himself or with the help of Wyatt, whilst I was talking with the other user.
I had told him to return the funds and he started to say it wasn't my fault so yes, cut me out of this, I never scammed them. He admitted it was his fault but the IG is gone, he won't return the funds so we are cbing on him.
I advise you all to NOT DEAL WITH HIM.
his kik is EW and the IG was @Thing
@Rude @Color @Philly @"Greed"
@Random, you see why I fucking hate him now?