Do you believe in God?


The purpose of this brief study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective. We are assuming that we exist, that there is reality, and that the matter of which we are made is real. Do you believe on god ?
I think believe in god for shit. He havent done anything for me or showed that he exists. F*CK god and i think Jesus was a drug dealer.
I'm pretty much atheist all the way. The things that have happened on this Earth show an extreme lack of any "all loving" being.
I believe in god even we can't see him he are exist because of him the world and human being has been created
I firmly believe in Him. He has proven his existence to me in many occasions. I do believe in Him.
Well, I believe in God as well i believe in science and technology, I think god is one for all people.
Yes i do believe in gods. Because i have faith and i know that someone else is more powerful than am or science is, has control of our lives.
we should believe in GOD even HE do not exist physicaly, believing is the key and we should respect each others religion, we should not say anything bad on it
God put all thos hardships as a test. Just cause he didnt give you the 50in tv yiy prayed every night for doesnt mean he doesnt exsist.
God is the creator of all

We are all entitled to our own opinions. And for me, I BELIEVE IN GOD... I have felt He's presence a lot of times. And I love Him so much. He has done great things in my life. And I'm so thankful that i have Him in my heart.
God is God and He is PURE and TRUE.
Man has contorted everything which God put in this world.
So you cant blame God for it. He does exist.Let God decide the fate of 'those who need to be corrected'.
You dont need to carry their crosses. Or look for an explanation for what they are doing.
I don't believe in God, I'm a strong atheist. The whole no proof thing seems to back up religion, but for me it's more of a signal to stay away.
They said seeing is believing. That's not always true. Sometimes, you don't have to see it to believe it. Like the wind, you can feel it but you don't see it, right? I absolutely believe in God since I'm a Christian. I believe that He's the Supreme, Creator and Savior of mankind.
ashley528 said:
They said seeing is believing. That's not always true. Sometimes, you don't have to see it to believe it. Like the wind, you can feel it but you don't see it, right? I absolutely believe in God since I'm a Christian. I believe that He's the Supreme, Creator and Savior of mankind.

Since when can you feel God?
Yes, I believed in God not because of Religion but because of who He is and my experiences personally. Just go deeper in your thinking if where all these things on earth came from if there is no God. Who will be the source of them? Don't tell me it's the scientist right? Who has the power to poured the rain, to provide the air for our breathing, the sun? They just not showed if no one made them.
Yes I do believe in God,Almight Allah.He's the reason that I'm living right now and the things you see that is surrounding you?The trees,clouds,birds,humans are all his creation.Well doesn't mean you can't see him physically with your eyes and hear his voice with your ears,doesn't mean that he doesn't exist,right?
I don't think that God exist! I believe in a greater power, that controls our world not to get out of our hands, we can call it God, but "it" could be called "sjiodhvxczgv", whatever!

I'm not an atheist, btw. But I don't call my god "God"! I call it the almighty power of the universe, even it is a chemical reaction or something like that!