I am just wondering how many of us here who believes that HEAVEN do exist.
It always come to my mind to think about what people knew about heaven and if they really believe that it exist. Today, with all these technologies that are fast growing/developing does it pass in your mind too?
as Wikipedia.org defined it as:
In many religions, Heaven is a realm, either physical or transcendental in which people who have died continue to exist in an afterlife. Heaven is often described as the holiest place, accessible by people according to various standards of divinity, goodness, piety, faith or other virtues.
For me it is as simple as this, Heaven is the most wonderful place one can live in. Because, in heaven, there is no pain, no suffering, no war, nothing bad. It is the most perfect harmonious, peaceful place one can find. It is the place that God created for man to live together with Him.