Does Instagram Turbo @s?!

Does Instagram Turbo?

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Onyx user!
So I just cracked @librarian a couple hours ago and I was thinking in the back of my head that I should swap it with a turbo but I was just so anxious to get it off the guys account because he wasnt too inactive and i didnt want him to realize that someone was on his account so i just swapped the @/ from my phone and when i went to claim it, it was already taken... so yes it got turboed but by who? Honestly who would've thought to put a turbo on that @ .. this leads me to believe that Instagram auto claimed the @/ and is A. going to reset it or B. ban it, and this has happened before with @/trap, it was being swapped and then it got auto claimed then banned so I was just thinking why would they do this? Let me know what you guys think and if any @/ that you cracked and were swapping was turboed.. really sucks too because I owned the kik for awhile but yea
Yeah people were saying stuff like this, reason is people with checkers are claiming random things. Happens with twitter too. Someone could have claimed and deactivated
Ice said:
Yeah people were saying stuff like this, reason is people with checkers are claiming random things. Happens with twitter too. Someone could have claimed and deactivated
Yea i was just dming the user @/swish on instagram about how he got his @ because it was a brand new account and i was curious if he used the trademark method or something and he said he claimed it about a week ago and that i was open, wish i could have that kind of luck
people run checkers with autoclaimers with giant lists and they leave everything on it and run it constantly

instagram also randomly releases users
Swish is a business, I don't believe they just claimed it.. they probably bought it but didn't want to ruin their business.
Joker said:
Swish is a business, I don't believe they just claimed it.. they probably bought it but didn't want to ruin their business.
Thats why i was wondering if they used trademark method lol
Its an auto claimer. I have one that I run and I've claimed shit being swapped by accident before. I've also lost users trying to swap my @ and someone checking ends up claiming it.

I've also claimed stuff causing my previous @ to be released but then it won't let me claim it back. That usually means its in a limbo state and will be banned or released at a later time.
I saw that @ floating around 2 years ago I used to own @library
Someone turbo'ed it or claimer.
So would you say an auto claimer is more reliable than a turbo? When swapping of course
Yeah it was most likely a autoclaimer, has happened to me before, i jacked a neat @ and they guy who claimed it hasn't got on the account :/
Ambien said:
Yeah it was most likely a autoclaimer, has happened to me before, i jacked a neat @ and they guy who claimed it hasn't got on the account :/
you stay jacking @s

UPDATE: The @librarian was just banned, rip

Had a turbo on @librarian just incase and bam it was banned, also the account i was gonna have the @ transferred to was logged out of so this was instagrams doing
Sinatra+ said:
So would you say an auto claimer is more reliable than a turbo? When swapping of course
The thing about an auto claimer is.. it all depends on the speed of your internet. That's why most people have them running on a VPS so there download speed is 10x faster than normal. People who turbo usually just leave it on there computer.. but of course there are some exceptions (certain users who use a vps)

I lost @circulate to an autoclaimer. I had just spent 30 minutes jacking the email.. and I figured I'd swap just for the hell of it even though the account was inactive. Long story short I got beamed. That's the only time it has happened to me though. I just figured there wasn't anything to really lose at the time and that I would most likely swap successfully.. But NOPE. I got the hairy dick in the ass.
How can you tell, usually when temp it will saw "user not found" but this says "Instagrammer" as a banned account would usually say
Greg said:
the @ isn't banned whoever had it just temp deactivated it

@"coder", the java IG update gg'd my autoclaimer and i'm too lazy to fix it. right when i figure out how to show 100% available @s.

Damn. Mine works fine and it shows 100% available @s and can check banned user's to see if there reset or not.
Greg said:
pm me real quick.

curious on your method of autoclaiming
Has his own claimer..price is pretty steep since he is only person with it...but worth it imo
Greg said:
since mine was patched im curious on his method

i could fix mine but am currently lazy to put any work in it, instead added a gt autoclaimer and twitter in beta stages for now
how would a twitter claimer work? on resets or what
Would have to pay me a good amount to ever be known as that. Not going to lie. However, you likely told the wrong person about it or actually managed to be slower than a random claiming.
Color said:
Would have to pay me a good amount to ever be known as that.  Not going to lie.  However, you likely told the wrong person about it or actually managed to be slower than a random claiming.
Told noone and swapped with my phone throught the 5 accounts thing not even thinking about a claimer or nothing so
Sinatra+ said:
how would a twitter claimer work? on resets or what

I have a working twitter claimer as well. Lol
I don't ever run it though. To many people on twitter autoclaimers. I don't think they reset.. I think people just change there users but I'm not sure tbh
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