I was looking through an old E-Mail I used to use quite frequently and came across an E-Mail a friend sent me at the time. We used to be partners for internet marketing and he sort of led me into the ground. He had his share, which was about 6,000 USD, coming in at the end of the month and I had about 500 USD because I wasn't very experienced at the time. Regardless, he sent me the following E-Mail as an explanation for why he didn't send me my cut, since he owned the account. He forwarded me the E-Mail he supposedly receive from the network. He mentioned that as a result, he didn't get his cut either. He didn't seem very upset which led me to believe he was lying. To this day I don't speak to him because of that. I'm looking for an unbiased input. I've considered contacting the company to find out but truth be told, our means of monetizing weren't very 'whitehat'. Do you guys think this website would write an E-Mail like the following, not to mention the multitude of spelling mistakes.
Solidify, if you've noticed the spelling mistake in the sentence of the picture where it said ...
' After Closely monitoring where YOU .. '
Does this seem legitimate to you?. I think this man, or woman, seems to have some sort of problem with sorting out whos-is-whos. This is just my side, and my opinion. Don't take offense.
Solidify, if you've noticed the spelling mistake in the sentence of the picture where it said ...
' After Closely monitoring where YOU .. '
Does this seem legitimate to you?. I think this man, or woman, seems to have some sort of problem with sorting out whos-is-whos. This is just my side, and my opinion. Don't take offense.
It doesn't seem legitimate, however, I do suggest you contacting the company and trying to receive what is yours. All is fair on the internet so no one will think you are poor. It's money that is owed to you so you should fight for it.
It doesn't seem legitimate, however, I do suggest you contacting the company and trying to receive what is yours. All is fair on the internet so no one will think you are poor. It's money that is owed to you so you should fight for it.
"For further information refer to our Terms of Use"
That's pushed a little to the right, kind of looks like it was done in an image editing software. With that, the situation, and other things wrong with that message, I doubt it's legit.