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I got this off a random reset and it somewhat has a meaning. It is a television station in Europe and has further meaning. PM me for it with proof of funds. I BROUGHT THIS TO THE MARKET, reset off of a random.

c/o: $ I cant remember

bin: $105 btc or $115 pp

(Letter letter number format.)
btc from all, paypal from trusted.

L  ies said:
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]That is by far the nicest 3 char i've seen. I'll see about getting BTC converted.[/font]
RE: Dope 3 char

I swear to christ chapter, if this isn't the dankest 3 char I've seen, I'm going to poop in your mouth for that ridiculous bin.
RE: Dope 3 char

Random said:
I swear to christ chapter, if this isn't the dankest 3 char I've seen, I'm going to poop in your mouth for that ridiculous bin.

Well, three letters I've seen recently have gone for $150, this is a pretty nice char with meaning soo.
RE: Dope 3 char

Chapter said:
Well, three letters I've seen recently have gone for $150, this is a pretty nice char with meaning soo.
THree chars are 80$ usually max

three letters are a whole different game

three letters are usually around 120 if they have no meaning

I swear to christ boy, if this tag is some like "U3X" or "i8D"...
RE: Dope 3 char

Is this tag completely new to the market?
RE: Dope 3 char

Random said:
THree chars are 80$ usually max

three letters are a whole different game

three letters are usually around 120 if they have no meaning

I swear to christ boy, if this tag is some like "U3X" or "i8D"...
i8D ---> I eight D ---> I ate dick. Illuminati confirmed. 
RE: Dope 3 char

Okay but really this is one of the nicer 3 chars to touch the market lately.
RE: Dope 3 char

Well bump for calvin imabout to go watch tv on my second tv so ya

RE: Dope 3 char

pm me this, i can trade a 3 letter for this that is on a fresh silver.
RE: Dope 3 char

I have said to him I will bin this if I like the GT, yet I have to give him proof of funds of 100 or so dollars it's pathetic LOL
RE: Dope 3 char

I'm looking for a 3 char atm let me know please
I literally just bought a 3 letter I will trade as it seems a sick 3 char and I will probs know the channel

Tropic said:
I have said to him I will bin this if I like the GT, yet I have to give him proof of funds of 100 or so dollars it's pathetic LOL
No shit you have to provide proof of funds. It's to avoid dumb fucks from just trying to find out a tag just to relieve their "curiosity".
Finally found someone that actually has money to make a current offer, trust me this is an amazing tag.
Chapter said:
Finally found someone that actually has money to make a current offer, trust me this is an amazing tag.

I guess I will take your word for it and bid 85$
My man.
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