Double XP Weekend.


Onyx user!
I think I'll go for fletching. Just for fun.

Annual event, so use this time wisely Runescapers!
Someone else already made a thread on this.

I am just going to do herblore, buying the supplies now.
Oh my bad haha. was too lazy too look and it's been on my mind ;p
Herb is mad expensive, people killing druids + sorc garden are benefiting from it alot lol.
As said above, it's been posted, and we're not playing CoD... It's BONUS XP weekend.
I'll go for Woodcutting I think. I really have to get my 99 Woodcutting complete, lol. If I get bored of that I'll train combat/slayer.
All you noobs go do runecrafting/prayer/herb/slayer.

Else you're wasting it.
ill get 99 magic and range
I'm gonna do magic legit and I'm gonna bot mining. I should be 85+ by March 11.
My membership ends on the 13th, so I'm gonna be 24/7 rcing nats march 11-13th :
I'm chinning 91-94 range on my pure, I think I'll be botting 82 magic on my other pure, and on my third pure i'll be doing summoning, not sure about my main though, probably something useless and funny that's fast exp.
Going to train defense on my main. Maxed out meele after that.
isnt it Members only this time? also i think ill get 99 Mage i got 156m so im sure its enough if i alch anybody got good Items to alch? please pm me
Don't alch lol. go clump monkeys in the tunnels dude. if you got that much cash to blow use your x2.7 wisley.
what is the most expensive skill a skiller could have and easy enough to get in a bank? Herbalore? if so how much would it cost me? i got 156m is it enough?
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