I'm not saying Communism is a good thing, nor am I saying it's a bad thing.. See Communism works in theory, but theoritically it has never been tried.. Russia was pure dictatorship, so is China. Communism requires no form of central authority, and it's only suppose to work 'after' capitalism, not before, not while Capitalism is in existence, after.
what countries have a constitution like America's that is being overthrown?
You're not overthrowing because of the constitutions, you're over throwing because the gap between the working class and the upper class is too big, where the government supports the upper class. The political cycle in America works like this; Ceo --> Congress --> Ceo ---> Congress --->Retire/Board of trustees...
Corporation executives should not be allowed in the government.. Right now GoldmanSachs pretty much runs america. George Bush's chief of staff was ex-ceo of GoldmanSachs..Henry Paulson is also an ex-ceo of GS, he was the 70th something treasury secretary of US under bush.. Robert Rubin was the co-chairman in GS, he was the secretary under Clinton.. It's crazy.