Not once have i seen a dragon killing Guide so im going to make one. hahahah. This guide will be one dragon a day so im not overwhelmed and you can take it slow and learn how to fight one before i post next. So i hope you all Enjoy my dragon killing guide this is my first guide so if i do stuff wrong id appreciate comments and suggestions on how to make my guides better
Today i will teach you how to kill Green Dragons I will start out with a Meele Strategy and then go from there each day.
So to kill a Green Dragon first you need to know where they are located. A very popular spot is the wilderness by Clan Wars Go to Clan Wars and then when youre facing toward the free for all portals go directly Right. I would suggest you at least be Level 56 before Going and at that Level have at least Full rune and a Dragon weapon or a rune scimitar and a Anti Dragon Shield. Then in your inventory you need Anti fire potions and Lobsters or Swordfish...Sharks are also perferable. Now go to the Green Dragons equip everything make sure you have a full inventory of potions suggest at least 2 and lobsters also if you can get it a ring of life and teleport tabs. Kill as many green dragons as you can Just collect the hides and Bones. If you dont have a Good prayer level i suggest to bury the bones and then just sell the Dragon Hides. This is an excelent way to make money and gain good levels when you are more of an intermediate player.
Warning: Lower level Revs do come along every now and then and sometimes more then most it is full of players.
Sorry, clan wars isn't there anymore and you don't need anti fire potions when you have an anti-dragon shield
And i suggest just selling the bones because they are like 7k each right now and you can make good profit, but there are a lot of player killers around right now, so i would go to west edgevil lvl 10 dragons in a unpopulated world
Also, reverents are no longer free in the wilderness, they are in a designated cave.
Very unnesicary and imature to call someone a Stupid Noob..I was just trying to help the OP? Idk people who need anti fire potions when they have Anti fire shield unless they are killing bronze dragons+
I usually use a shield and at least two potions just to be safe and thank you for the advice ill probaly end up writing the whole guide and making sure its accurate then posting sorry and i appreciate the comments . Ive been gone for a while so i need to learn everything thats new again i guess ahahahaha. can someone maybe delete this post until i catch up. also you cant PK unless you are in a pvp world i thought
i am a little offended by that i do not copy and paste and if i did copy and paste why would it be this part hahah if its i just havent been on runescape in about 5months becuase its harder for i work and have other things i neeed to do. but never would i take someone elses guide