

User is banned.

We are Drama Korner. Reporting all the friendly and hateful news and drama of ForumKorner. Support us by donating so we can have a group that everyone can hate us for -- sponsored by Mc Donalds and Wendy's.

Our links are: twitter.com/DramaKorner and mixbit.com/Drama
Pretty cool idea. Good luck on the profile, if you are serious about it.
I would like to welcome @Deuce and @Lyndon to the DramaKorner staff
I am the official Stripper of Drama Korner. You can call me DK Cinnamon.

Here to report for duty!
Pride said:
I'd like to join staff for DK pweease.

I'm not even kidding, this is a legit thing. I'm looking to purchasing a group to turn it into DramaKorner.
If serious, I would like to be part of the group, if you buy one.
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