Dream last night


I was at Sea World feeding popcorn to dolphins and all of a sudden people were shooting up the amusement park. I just kept feeding them popcorn, kettle corn to be exact. I knew it was a dream so I didn't bother running or anything. I was shot towards the end of the dream. I wonder what possessed me into having such a funny/strange dream.
The brain is a weird and wonderful unsolved mystery.
But this is a new one. Weird that you vividly remembered this. Dreams are normally stored as REALLY short term memory but idk
this is not og. only Appraise $0.10

but really what the fuck
Bananendealer said:
The brain is a weird and wonderful unsolved mystery.
But this is a new one. Weird that you vividly remembered this. Dreams are normally stored as REALLY short term memory but idk
I write down my dreams as soon as I wake up. Great for tapping old memories.
I have some odd dreams time to time as well, thats pretty crazy though.
Jamillion said:
I write down my dreams as soon as I wake up. Great for tapping old memories.
I never really cared about dreams that much. The only dream I vividly remember is getting everything I wanted (All the game consoles) and yeah I got it and I than woke up.
Not tryna be a dick, but a dream when someone or someplace gets shot up isn't funny. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions. This is indeed a strange dream. If you keep getting these dreams you should see a doctor.
Citrus said:
Not tryna be a dick, but a dream when someone or someplace gets shot up isn't funny. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions. This is indeed a strange dream. If you keep getting these dreams you should see a doctor.
Says citrus as a man in his signature is shooting.
Bananendealer said:
The brain is a weird and wonderful unsolved mystery.
But this is a new one. Weird that you vividly remembered this. Dreams are normally stored as REALLY short term memory but idk

That's not really true. I remember a lot of dreams for a really long time. Sometimes I'll revisit old dreams. There's this one where I'm at a carnival playing that game where you shoot water into the balloon to fill it up, the carnie there always gives me advice, usually relationship or life advice, and he always remember me and I remember him. Sometimes he'll bring up issues we've talked of in the past.
@citrus @old nahahaha. so you dont find feeding a dolphin popcorn a bit funny? school shootings arent funny, but when its fake in my dream i dont care.
Well you get dreams and vivid dreams that have a lot of detail which you can remember. There will always be a dream you remember really good.
Also the revisiting thing can't be explained but again the brain is mysterious. 
But most people have brains that don't store the dreams as they are classified as "useless".
Its basically short term memory which only stores small information. Its like when you go into a room and had an objective but when you get there you forget; but later you remember it again. It might be because you think of remembering what you wanted to do and then it just snaps to you .
The brain is truly remarkable.
i had a dream that the teachers assigned a project and the number of people were uneven cause some person was not in class that day so this cute red head offered me to be in her group and i declined.

i think that means im gay or some shit?

s/o @random and @"Glittler Milk"
Woah, that's pretty cool bro. Wish I could realize when I'm dreaming, but no matter how random they get I can never seem to add it all up. Dream carnie sounds pretty chill though...
hello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xDhello really cool thanks xD
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